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Pure Aqua Pool Care

Zodiac eXO/Hydroxinator iQ Software Update now LIVE

Important update for those of you who currently run a Zodiac eXO or Hydroxinator iQ Chlorinator System as part of your pools filtration set-up.

If this is you, keep reading......!

The new software update for the Zodiac eXO/Hydroxinator iQ range of Chlorinator Units has just been released!!!!

So, if you are interested in remote access/control of your Chlorinator unit, this software update carries with it a host of features, fixes and functionality that will enhance your ability to control the unit from the iAquaLink APP (NB if you don't already have the iAquaLink APP, go to the App Store and download for Free today).

NB all iQ Chlorinators that are already connected to the internet will automatically receive this update. Once you open the iAquaLink APP, the update will start to download, and it takes around 20-30mins for this update to complete The some of the new exciting features now available to control through the iAquaLink APP are:

  • Ability to Set On/Off Timers via the APP

  • Info messages from eXO iQ LCD screen are now displayed on app dashboard i.e No Flow alerts

  • If you have a Zodiac 1.5hp Varible Speed Pump installed - control Timer settings including pump speed (RPM) via the APP

  • If you have a Zodiac compatible Heat Pump installed - control the Heat Pump at the Chlorinator Unit AND and via the APP. i.e. you can now control a heater directly from the eXO and set it with 'priority to heat' mode, keeping the water at stable temp all the time, or run it standard mode heating only during normal filtration hours

  • If you have pH and/or ORP sensors installed - adjust the pH or ORP Set Point from the APP

These functions are inaddition to those that were previously available prior to the new update, which included the ability to:

  • Turn Chlorinatior On/Off

  • Adjust Chlorine Output

  • Turn LOW or BOOST Mode On/Off

  • Read water Temp, pH and/or ORP level (if you have pH/ORP Probes installed)

With increased functionality now available via the iAquaLink APP, be sure to connect to your Zodiac iQ Chlorinator System to the APP to push through the update and explore the APPs functionality today!

If you have any queries please don't hesitate to reach out.

Happy swimming from the Team at Pure Aqua Pool Care

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